Publications > The Tragara Press, 1954-1991

George Barker / Samuel Beckett / John Betjeman..., Hand and Eye (1977)

Title: Hand and Eye

Subtitle: An Anthology for Sacheverell Sitwell

George Barker (Author), Samuel Beckett (Author), John Betjeman (Author), George Mackay Brown (Author), Patric Dickinson (Author), Geoffrey Elborn (Author), Seamus Heaney (Author), Geoffrey Hill (Author), Ted Hughes (Author), Hugh MacDiarmid (Author), Jon Silkin (Author), Stephen Spender (Author), R. S. Thomas (Author), Geoffrey Elborn (Editor), Ronald Stevenson (Preface), John Piper (Drawing), Henry Moore (Drawing)

(Book) Edition of 175 copies. 33 pages. ~23.3 cm (height).

Publication: 1977 [Edinburgh]. The Tragara Press

Typeface: Bembo

Keywords: Anthology, Anniversary commemoration

An Anthology to celebrate the 80th birthday of Sacheverell Sitwell.

The colophon page of numbers 1-20 was signed by all the contributors.

Edition variants

175 numbered copies.

Printed on white Glastonbury paper.
Hard cover. Bound in green Fabriano boards. Printed paper spine label.

Halliwell: 20 copies numbered 1 to 20 were signed by all the contributors on the colophone page. (51a)

£ 8.50 (from edition prospectus).

Halliwell ref.: A51


The Tragara Press, 1954-1991


Donald Weeks (ed.), Frederick Rolfe and the Times (1977) »

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