Publications > Privately commissioned work

A Letter from Baron Corvo to John Lane (1958)


Title: A Letter from Baron Corvo to John Lane

Frederick William Rolfe (Author of letters)

(Book) Edition of 30 copies. 7 pages. ~24.5 cm (height).

Publication: 1958 [Edinburgh]. Printed for The Peacocks Press, Hurst

Typeface: Stephenson Blake Perpetua

Keywords: Letters, 1890s, Corviana

Edition variants

30 numbered copies.

Printed on white Hodgkinson hand-made paper, and sewn in light blue Hodgkinson wrappers, lettered on the front.

Standard edition, cover
Standard edition, title page
Standard edition, page sample
Standard edition, colophon page

Halliwell ref.: B2


Privately commissioned work


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