Publications > The Tragara Press, after 1991

Blue Remembered Hills (2004)


Title: Blue Remembered Hills

Subtitle: a choice of verse made by Alan & Jennie Anderson

Alan Anderson (Compiled by), Jennie Anderson (Compiled by)

(Book) Edition of 20 copies. 43 pages. ~25.5 cm (height).

Publication: 2004 [Loanhead]. The Tragara Press

Typeface: Garamond

Keywords: Poetry, Anthology, Birthday celebration

A collection of poems, chosen by Alan and Jennie Anderson, privately printed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Tragara Press.

The poems are:

- In Time of Pestilence, by Thomas Nashe (1567-1601)
- My Mind to me a Kingdom is, by Sir Edward Dyer (c. 1545-1607)
- The Vote, by Ralph Knevet (1601-1671)
- Goldsmith's The Traveller, by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
- The Rings o' Barley, by Robert Burns (1759-1796)
- Frost at Midnight, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1722-1834)
- Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
- Dream-Pedlary, by Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803-1849)
- There is an Old Belief, by John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
- Love and Friendship, by Emily Brontë (1818-1848)
- Dover Beach, by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
- Up-hill, by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)
- A Wet Night, by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
- from A Shropshire Lad, by A.E. Housman (1959-1936)
- Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam, by Ernest Dowson (1867-1900)
- As the Team's Head-Brass, by Edward Thomas (1878-1917)
- The Storm-Cock's Song, by Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978)
- The Burning of the Leaves, by Lawrence Binyon (1869-1943)
- The Three-Faced, by Robert Graves (1895-1985)
- All that's Past, by Walter de la Mare (1873-1956)
- Anthem for Doomed Youth, by Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
- Musée des Beaux Arts, by W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
- Manoli of Cos, by Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990)
- Old Photographs, by Julian Symons (1912-1994)
- from Lessons of the Summer, by Roy Fuller (1912-1991)
- Huesca, by John Cornford (1916-1937)
- Crossing the Bar, by Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

Edition variants

20 copies.

Printed on Amatruda Amalfi paper, and sewn in marbled wrappers with printed paper label.
The recipient of each copy is inscribed by hand in the colophon by Alan Anderson.

Standard edition, cover
Standard edition, title page
Standard edition, colophon page

Halliwell ref.: B138


The Tragara Press, after 1991


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