
We are gradually building our database of Tragara Press publications. This project started in the first months of 2023 and it is expected to last for several years, with editions, photos, and essays being added at a steady pace.

Edition information on this website comes, in the vast majority of cases, from direct inspection of copies at hand. Further information on editions and variants is gathered from the following sources:

In certain cases, especially in the case of series of proof copies, even though our information comes directly from inspected items, in reality a single copy is not sufficient to describe a variant accurately or completely. For instance, different kinds of marbled paper may be used to wrap the four or five copies in a series of proofs, which effectively results in each of the copies being a (sub-)variant itself.

References to Steven Halliwell's bibliography (Fifty Years of Hand-Printing: A Bibliography of the Tragara Press, Rivendale Press, 2005), which lists editor & other out-of-series copies, single-sheets and ephemera not present here, are made wherever possible.

We welcome feedback from collectors and booksellers on editions and variants that are either not present on this website or that are inaccurately presented. Please contact us using the general contact form, or the form relevant to each edition in the Publications section.

The Tragara Press logo and the fleuron are used with the kind permission of Penelope Stevenson, Alan Anderson's daughter, to whom we are grateful.


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